October 26th
A pencil drawing of flowers, from my garden in October.
June 2nd
A drawing made for the sake of just making lines, putting pencil to paper. These are my favorite kinds lately, as my brain feels drained by my heart wants to make things.
February 19th
This unfinished drawing has been sitting on my desk, staring at me, for months. Today I added some final plants that were missing, scanned it, and will finish her up in photoshop with some color later.
I think this is about acknowledging that good things can happen while bad things are happening and they are both real. We have a moral obligation to pay attention to the bad things and we can’t ignore the good things either.
Or, maybe it’s actually about the feeling that we are part of something bigger than us - crying, flowers growing, is all part of it. OR, maybe it’s just literal documentation of a day in which I cried and at the same time, the flowers (somewhere) must have grown. Either way, I stopped crying long enough to make the drawing.
February 17th
Three women, all the same woman. These were all drawn from photos in this old life drawing book I found in a thrift shop called “The Human Figure.”
February 16th 2024
I’m not saying I’m going to post here every day but I am saying I’m going to DRAW every day :)
Here is my first offering. Drawn quickly while thinking about the feeling of not being present in your life, even if it has flowers and pink fluffy clouds, because you are laser focused on something else, happening physically quite far away.